Thursday, September 17, 2009

Adapting to Diverse Science Culture for Development

At nowadays we are suffering from different calamities like floods, landslide, and many more, We have a contribution to this calamities because we are the one who is doing bad to our nature. Cuting trees is one of the activities that humann contribute to the damage of mother earth. When we cut trees and we not change the tree that we cut. There will no roots tree that will absorb the rain, the soil of the mountain will colapse that is called landslide. When we burn plastics the carbon dixide coming from it, will be trapped in the surface of the earth. If it will get out of the earth and there will no trees to absorb the carbon dioxide it can cause many bad calamities like greenhouse effect and global warming.
There are many various things to avoid this things, we should support the programs of DENR and NGO' S who are helping for the depelopment of our nation. we must do the 3R' S , Reuse, Reduce and Recycle. And as a student we should also campaign for the betterment of our Nation.
Let us help each other for us to live in a better Nation.

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